Here With Me Tonight
If Grandpa Isaac could see me
I wonder what he'd say
Perhaps he is the voice
Behind the songs I sing and play
He remained a quite religious man
'Til God snuffed out his light
And if he could
He woulds be here tonight
If Grandpa Sophie could see me
I wonder what she'd do
Would she pinch me on the cheek and say
I'm oh so proud of you
She was a bit of a bossy busy body
She always thought that she was right
And if she could
She would be right here tonight
They made aliyah
And I never really saw them again
I garauntee ya
If they are in Jewish heaven
They'll be complaining about the room they've been given
They'll have packed a lot of extra food with em
They'll say this place is quite nice
But it could be so much better if you just took our advice
My other grandpa Grandpa Archie
Died before I was born
But there's a picture of him here
Inside this drawer all scratched and torn
I recognise my features in his face there alright
If he could he would be here tonight
My other grandma Grandma Asney
Was a difficult old bird:
She got confused and she got angry
Even before senility occurred.
She was a fiesty little woman
Always spoiling for a fight
If she could she would pick one tonight
The sefer torah gets passed round the congregation
And they kiss it like it is thery're oldest friend
The written and the oral law
The rules and regulations
They do it because they've always done
And yes they get some comfort from it
Although the world around has changed
The human condition still stays pretty much the same
Archie and Asney, Isaac, Sophie
Are dead and gone I know
But if my life is a river
Into which they're lives flow
Then by logical deduction
It must therefore be right
They are here, they are here with me tonight
Passed on down the generations is the everlasting light
I feel that they are here with me tonight.