The Bagel's in my Soul
Some say the bagel goes back to the Romans
Others say it comes from Krakow, Poland
Regardless, bless our daily breads
Hamotzie lechamin h'aretz
There's a Yiddishe Neshama in that roll with the hole in
Now the bagel dough is formed into a ring
And it is boiled before the baking can begin
That taste and chewy texture
Never fails to get ya
But its more than that you betcha
For baked in every bagel is all Jewish suffering
The bagel's in my soul
The bagel's in my soul
For richer, for poorer
To have and to hold
I feel safer and I feel calmer
With a bagel as my armour
There's a Yiddishe Neshama
In that role with a hole
'Twas with a stale bagel
That Cain slew Abel
You thought it was rock
Well it was not it would appear
It was the with stale bagels
That the Children of Isragel
Built the pyramids
(and that was without any schmear)
You can keep your chopped liver and gefilte fish
And frankly chicken soup is not my dish
The bagel is my favel
And when I'm gazing at my naval
It looks rather like a bagel
With middle-aged spread that is
The bagel's in my soul
The bagel's in my soul
I say pish to the knish
And the Bially leaves me cold
Though they're sold in every plaza
They're not your's sir they are our's sir
There's a Yiddishe Neshama
In that role with a hole
What is the reason for the hole?
I hear you ask
Is there a something like 'Just So Story'
Let me remind you this is not
One of Mr Kipling's tarts
And though bagels are exceedingly good
Mr Kipling might have burned them all if he could
No the hole in the bagel
Is not explained by fable
It's the hole in the Jewish psyche
The searching, the returning and the yearning
For the right to be
Dr Freud was a Jew
Dr Jung was not a Jew
And both of them were partial to a bagel or two
Dr Jung saw of course
An ora borus
Dr Freud we might assume
Saw an entrance to the womb
The bagels in my soul
The bagels in my soul
When I'm stressed
Or I'm depressed
I take some comfort in that roll
It's an edible pscho-drama
It's a quote from the kaballah
There's a Yiddishe Neshama
In that roll with a hole
The bagel bakers local 338
Was a union that was based in New York State
And they set the minimum wages
Of the yiddish bagel bakeries
And controlled all the stages
From the flower sack to the plate
But like the railroad/ did to the canal
And like Uber to the black and yellow taxi
Along came a machine that was not their pal
That could make a three hundred bagels in an hour
And you can't compete with that amount of flour power
And though I'm less enthusiastic
About a bagel wrapped in plastic
And it isn't quite the same as it used to be
And though its steamed not boiled
And not so tightly coiled
It's still - a bagel
That's the nature of assimilation for you
And a Jew's got to chew hat a Jew's got to chew
The bagel's in my soul
In the deli on the telly from CarmelliWarm or cold
From Golders Green to Ghana
Every fireman every farmer
Feels the Yiddishe Neshama
Put a candle in a bagel
And bring it to the table
To complete your birthday celebrations
Take a dozen mixed bagels
And thread them on a cable
And hang them in your hallway for your Christmas decorations
The bagel's in my soul
The bagel's in my soul
Bring me a box
Cream cheese and lox
In a basket or a bowl
It's nutritional nirvana
It's medicinal marijuana
Feel the Yiddishe Neshama
Of that role with a hole
And so in conclusion
I hope you now have seen
That the bagel is the queen
Of jewish cuisine
The Danish have their Danish
And other cultures much the same-ish
But you cannot get more haimish
Than a bagel for your breakfast
for your lunch and for your tea
And when we were starving in the desert feed us Lord we cried
And glory halleluja it rained bagels from the sky
Poppyseed and sesame
And cinnamon blueberry
Gluten-full and gluten free
Spelt and flax and rye ,
Chocolate chip and pumpernickel
On Bleeker Street they sell the middles
A festival of cholesterol - from which you may well
Yidle didle didle didle die
The Bagel is my Soul
The Bagel is my Soul
For richer or for poorer
To have and to hold
Presidents Putin and Obama
Not to mention Nettenayahu
There's a Yiddishe Neshama
In that roll with a hole
Beyonce and Rhianna
The Queen and the Dalai Lama
Feel the Yiddishe Neshama
In that roll with the hole