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What  they are saying...

After attending one of Ruth Kaye’s workshops in Harrogate I feel inspired for the greater good

to share with you my impressions of this very remarkable lady.

Having been a NFSH Healer for over

18 years and explored the spiritual healing market place on both sides of the Atlantic

for over 38 years I found the quality of her work to be second to none

She has a magical quality about her, a very healing and uplifting voice.

I went away with an excellent CD of hers (Healing, Meditation and Relaxation )so I can plug into this wonderful energy over and over.

Some  years ago my wife and I used to travel a lot to the North of England on business and on the A1 just south of Newcastle often passed the landmark known as “The Angel of the North “

What I saw and experienced of Ruth Kaye’s workshop can only be best described as an angel in human flesh

She is like Harry Edwards, a true pioneer and the first person to start healing full time in the NHS in a Leeds Hospital over 30 years ago.

It appears that the trend is for healers to work more closely with the medical profession .  Her work can be seen as great inspiration for all Healers.  She is a really fine Ambassador.

For many years I have been a great admirer of the famous astrologer Jonathan Cainer.  It was a coincidence to discover Ruth Kaye is his mother.   The apple does not fall far from the tree !

Bright Blessings ..Bill Sohan   London